Seeing Your Life Through the lens of the gospel ~ Matthew 22:15-21
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1 The story sees a mixture of religion and politics, a potentially explosive combination. Jesus does not ask us to avoid politics, but that our involvement in the affairs of the world is informed by the perspective of the Reign of God. How does the Gospel give you a vision of how your involvement in society should be?
2 Pharisees and Herodian’s were not natural allies but a shared dislike of Jesus brought them together in an attempt to discredit him. Perhaps you
experience the same opposition in society today when you profess to being a Catholic. Jesus did not get into an argument with them but simply professed his belief in the priority of God in his life.
What have you found helpful in bearing witness to the fact that are still a Catholic?
3 Jesus recognises that we can be faced with conflicting claims for attention. He does not tell us how to solve that dilemma, but challenges us to make sure that our allegiance to God takes priority.
When have you been faced with a conflict of loyalties? What helped you to get your priorities right?
Published Fri 17th Oct 2014 12:43:59