The Word This Week ~ 28 September 2014
Read 1455 Times
First Reading: Ezekiel 18:25-28
A sinner’s conversion means so much to God that he forgets all the sins that has gone before and showers the convert with mercy and life. This may seem unfair to those who count on their own self-righteousness. In their desire for justice (a justice on their terms), they have forgotten mercy and have alienated themselves from God who is love. Love demands a total gift of self and not a calculating reliance on our own righteousness.
Second Reading: Philippians 2:1-11
Paul appeals to our life in Christ; to the Spirit we have in common, to love, tenderness and sympathy in urging the community to be united in love. He gets to the core of what being a Christian means so as to encourage the community to live like Christians. Humility is the key to putting others first. And in Jesus Christ we have the perfect example, who “was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross”.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:28-32
In Jesus’ parable the vineyard can again be seen to represent Israel or the Church. All are called to work in it. Yet, it is not what we say that counts but what we do. Sometimes, by our words, we can even convince ourselves that we are doing the Lord’s work, when in fact we have not even entered the vineyard. Our self-righteousness and pride blinds us to the
task. A repentant sinner, however, will rarely suffer from such illusions, and will often work much harder because they have been given a second chance. Likewise, converts can often make must better Christians because they appreciate the gifts that they have received. It is such as these whom God gladly welcomes into the kingdom.
Published Fri 26th Sep 2014 11:33:49