The Word This Week ~ 21 September 2014
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First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9
This reading is full of consolation to an exiled people. While historically it was probably addressed to the Israelites exiled in Babylon, spiritually it is addressed to all of us who exile ourselves from God through our sins. God, however, is full of pity and forgiveness and is always waiting for those who seek, call and turn back to their Lord. In his ways and in his
thoughts God’s love infinitely surpasses all human expectations.
Second Reading: Philippians 1:20-24, 27
Paul demonstrates this higher way of thinking by being indifferent to whether he lives or dies. Human beings cling to life at all costs, but Paul is only interested in doing God’s will. The fact that Christ truly lives in him is shown by his willingness to put the needs of the community above his
own desire to be with Christ. In both his life and his death, Christ is glorified in his body.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 20: 1-16
The Gospel begins with Jesus comparing the kingdom of heaven to a landowner hiring workers for his vineyard. In the Old Testament Israel was often compared to a vineyard as the Church. All are called to work in the vineyard even if all do not work for the same time. However, if they have
not worked they have given an explanation to the Lord. Sometimes, it is because they have not yet received the call. Yet it is never too late to begin. How each is rewarded is the landowner’s concern. We should concentrate only on completing the work that was given us to do.
Published Fri 19th Sep 2014 12:59:25