The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life Through the lens of the gospel ~ Matthew 13:24-43

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1 The owner of the field who allowed the wheat and the darnel to grow together is a reminder to us to be patient with ourselves and with others
when we see everything is not right. Sometimes a preoccupation with the negative (the darnel) can blind us to seeing the positive in our own lives and in the lives of others. When have you found that a willingness to live with the messiness of the present created the conditions for future growth?

2 Have you ever found that it was through accepting the darnel that you learned important lessons for life, e.g., learning by making mistakes, or
asking stupid questions, or taking foolish risks?

3 The parables of the mustard seed and the leaven are reminders that seemingly insignificant things can have very positive results. Have you ever
been surprised by the benefit to yourself or others of a kind gesture, a small initiative, or a word of encouragement?

Published Tue 22nd Jul 2014 16:26:41

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