Seeing Your Life Though the lens of the gospel ~ John 14:15-21
Read 1335 Times
1. “If you love me you will keep my commandments”, and specifically the
commandments to love one another (cf. 13:34).
How have you experienced the link between love of God and love of those around you?
2. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his imminent departure and for a future in which he would be with them in a different way. He would not
“leave them orphans’ but send an “Advocate” to “be with (them) for ever”. How have you experienced the presence of God with you in your life?
3. Perhaps you have also experienced the challenge of preparing another (a child, a friend) for a time when you would no longer be physically together.
Recall how you gave the message of your ongoing support.
4. How have you experienced the presence and support of a loved one (parent, spouse, friend) when circumstances have separated you from them?
5. The proof of the ongoing presence of Jesus with his disciples is that “I live and you will live”. Discipleship is about much more then rules and
regulations. It is about being alive.
How has discipleship helped you to be more fully alive?
Published Fri 23rd May 2014 11:55:29