Dear Parishioner,
The SVP would like to share with all the Parishioners of Blessed John Henry Newman the wonderful events which have occurred most recently.
We are delighted to announce that the Prime Minister, David Cameron, has recognised the SVP with a Big Society Award.He said:
“The St. Vincent de Paul Society turns concern into action. The Society’s incredible number of volunteers builds on a 200 year history of lending a practical hand to support those in need. I’m delighted to recognise all 10,000 St. Vincent de Paul volunteers, and the staff who support them to do their vital work, with this Big Society Award.”
This Award is recognition for each of our members and volunteers who work tirelessly for those in need in their local communities. The concept of the ‘big society’ is nothing new for us; we have been doing it for nearly 200 years, and will continue to do so without regard to what government is in power, but are grateful for this formal recognition.
And more wonderful news within our own Parish: We now have a St. Vincent De Paul Society in Corpus Christi Church. Corpus Christi for many years had a thriving and successful SVP Conference, but gradually, as members retired and moved away this Conference sadly went into abeyance. Members from St. Gregory’s and St. Theresa’s have been working within Corpus Christi Church and at the same time trying to start a Conference there.
A meeting was held on February 25 and we now have the three officers in place and two further members. We are still actively seeking more members. Ideally we would like there to be eight members strong in each Conference. Members from both St. Gregory’s and St. Theresa’s have been seconded to Corpus Christi for a few months. So although we have three Conferences within the Parish, which is wonderful, we do need more members for each church.
Could you help? Could you support the wonderful work of this Society? It is rewarding and fulfilling and our work does bring much needed support, comfort, joy and reassurance to many of the people of our Parish.
Since January, there have been many requests received by the SVP for help and support from the elderly, sick, housebound, hospitals and especially families needing practical, emotional and financial support. Could you spare an hour a week to visit followed by a short meeting? Some of our new members have currently committed their time every two weeks and this had been a great support to each Conference.
If you would like to hear more about our work or how you could be involved, please read the SVP notice board in the Church Porch or use the Directory in this magazine for contact names and details.
Finally, if you know of any person who would enjoy a friendly visit from the SVP then we would love to hear from you. You can use the Directory in this magazine for contact names and details or contact any member of the SVP, our Parish Priests or the Parish
We wish to thank you most sincerely for your generous contributions to the Food Bank and your support to the Society.
Thank you and God Bless
Gaynor Markham
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Blessed John Henry Newman Parish