The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

St. Theresa’s Primary School - Easter 2014

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Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat™!

Later this term we are planning to perform Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat™ by Lord Lloyd Webber and Sir Tim Rice which is causing great excitement with all the children and staff. We are looking to perform two matinee and two evening performances and I am sure that many parents and grandparents from the BJHN parish will be attending. I hope that if you do manage to get a ticket that you enjoy the children's work... they have certainly worked very hard! Exciting times!

Sporting Success!

We have continued this year where we left off last year! The U10 and U11 teams are unbeaten this year which is great and all three teams including the U9s are at the top of their respective leagues and still in their respective cup competitions! That is the Datacable Cup (U9s); the Moran Cup (U10s); the Falkingham and Bishop's Cups (U11s) so it is getting very busy!! Mr Morgan and Mrs Rowbottom are also running a Rugby club as well and Miss Hartshorne and Mrs Speight variously train Athletics and Netball... and the Y4s have a skipping festival coming up too! We are hoping to win at least one trophy this year and maybe a couple but I don't want to tempt fate! Exciting times though and all the children are really excelling in their chosen discipline. We have a phrase we like to use at St Theresa's... we like to keep things simple at St Theresa's... simply the best!!

Advent and Lent:

As a Catholic school we try to make the most of the seasons of the Church's year. The children like learning about all the symbolism and imagery of the seasons especially Advent with its candles and the building up of the suspense towards Christmas. The Christmas productions were also excellent this year and I know lots of parishioners will have enjoyed them and that for some this will have made their Christmas! We are breaking really early for Easter this year which is why we are performing Joseph instead of the usual Easter Liturgies.

Until next time, yours in Christ; John Hutchinson, Head

Published Sat 10th May 2014 14:06:30

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