The Word This Week ~ 4 May 2014
Read 1546 Times
First Reading: Acts 2:14, 22-23
The main point here is that is that Christians have been chosen, as Christ was himself known and chosen before the creation of the world, in the love of God. This was a reason for great faith. Peter holds up the contrast of
what is worthless with what is precious. Jesus faced into the abyss: ultimate separation from God, in full obedience to God’s will and overcame humanity’s separation from God, a profound reason for hope.
Second Reading: 1Peter 1:17-21
The paschal-baptismal link is drawn out as Christ is presented as the lamb. Peter labours the “not-yet-ness” of the Kingdom. Christians may be destined to eternal life but we still have to live meanwhile on earth and this places a certain burden on the lifestyle of the Christian which should be one of grateful response to God. The hope of future glory is rooted in the seeds of faith in Christ.
Gospel Reading: Luke 24:13-35
In this engaging story about the transformation of Jesus, the two disciples on the road recognise Jesus eventually – but only through faith and charity. The disciples give expression to the belief of the early church: the ministry of Jesus (v19), his death (v20) and his resurrection (v22). Christ vanishes as suddenly as he arrives, highlighting the wholly new dimension of his transcendent life. The disciples have wavered in their
faith and are dejectedly drifting away from Jerusalem but also from their faith and what they thought they has understood Jesus’ resurrection to mean. The risen Christ puts them back on track, after their invitation to
him: “Stay with us”.
Published Fri 2nd May 2014 17:35:19