The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week ~ 13 April 2014

Read 1557 Times
First Reading: Isaiah 50:40-7

The disciple referred to in Isaiah is exemplified in Jesus. For most of us, this truth of Jesus is self-evident; however the disciple is also each one of us. As disciple, too, we must first listen before we are able to speak. It is through the listening that we are enabled to speak. The listening each and every morning followed by urge to proclaim what is heard transends the hardship and negativity of left.

Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11

This beautiful hymn from the Letter of the Philippians captures the essence of Jesus in his human nature. The letter at the same time captures the true humanity of all of us. Each one of us, made in the image and likeness of God, have our source of life hidden in the depths of our being. The divine likenesses only brought to fruition in the humble acceptance of our creature-hood. It is paradoxical that only in our acceptance of the littleness of our humanity do we open ourselves to our true greatness and our divinisation.

Gospel Reading: Matthew 26:14-27:66

Joy and exception flow from this reading as the crowds celebrate Jesus at his arrival in Jerusalem. It is a wonderful moment which foretells of his greater triumph when not branches and clothes are trod under foot but suffering and even death itself. Even though on this day (Palm Sunday) we are conscious of the shadow of the cross, nevertheless we must celebrate
because of the greater joy of his love.

Published Mon 14th Apr 2014 11:19:44

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