The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week ~ 23 March 2014

Read 1560 Times
First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7

Remembering was important injunction of Moses to the people of Israel. They were never to forget that God had saved them from slavery in Egypt: "because the Lord brought you out from there”. How often we tend to forget what God has done for us when we become rich or seem too able to manage on our own? The very celebration of the Passover was a means for them of being reminded of the great works of God.

Second Reading: Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

Let us never forget that it is through Jesus that we have access to grace. What a beautiful message for us today is the following: Let us listen carefully. God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to you. If only we took the time and the space to ponder over this message and hearts. Then in our daily living we would not allow it to sink deeply into our failure to act in a Christ-like manner!

Gospel Reading: John 4:5-42

Jesus seems to have found special satisfaction in breaking with taboos! Jesus was tired and thirsty. “Give me a drink.” The woman could have complied instantly but she was bound by so many taboos that this simple
request amazed her. Never could it be that a Jewish man could ask a woman of Samaria for a drink! “If you but knew the gift of God and who it is that is asking you for a drink he could have given you living waters!” Jesus is speaking of the Holy Spirit” a spring gushing up to eternal life”. The he elicits from her a sharing about her life. The dialogue proceeds to an exchange on worship. Somehow her intuition tells her that she is in the
presence of someone totally other: she receives the fullest revelation of who he really is.

Published Sun 23rd Mar 2014 16:04:18

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