The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Seeing Your Life Though the lens of the gospels Matthew 5: 17-37

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Matthew 5: 17-37

1. In this section of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus proposes standards that go beyond external ways of behaviours. He challenges our inner attitudes. When have you found that living out of inner conviction is more life-
giving than keeping up appearances?

2. Jesus applies his teaching to feelings of anger and sexual desire. He suggests that if we do not keep an eye on our feelings and thoughts we will not be able to control our actions. Perhaps you have experienced the truth of this. What has helped you to integrate your feelings so that you were able to live in right relationship with yourself and others?

3. For Jesus, persons with genuine authenticity do not need to swear an oath to be convincing. Their “yes” or “no” suffices. Recall people who had this kind of credibility for you. When have you found that your simple, direct and honest communication had a positive persuasive force?

Published Fri 14th Feb 2014 13:14:33

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