The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Word This Week ~ 9 February 2014

Read 1509 Times
First Reading Isaiah 58:7-10

Isaiah describes what is necessary for the people to preserve their integrity. They must reach out to those on the margins of life. We, too, are challenged to treat everyone with dignity and respect. We are asked to be honest in our dealings with one another and avoid “the clenched fist and the wicked word”. By doing so, we will bring justice to all and fulfil the message of the Prophet.

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Paul was a skilled preacher. He spoke to the people with simple words. Everyone could clearly understand him. His complete focus is on Christ who was crucified. Christ who gave of himself for us. Paul acknowledges that at times he was anxious about his preaching. But he persevered because he knew the Spirit was with him. He wanted everyone to know Christ’s endless love for us.

Gospel Matthew 5:13-16

Jesus pays a compliment to the disciples today. They have reached out with courage and conviction. In sharing the gifts of their lives they helped others experience the goodness of God. Following in the footsteps of Christ is our privileged calling but it is a daily challenge for us. All of us have many talents and gifts that we can share with those around us. May we
have the courage to respond to the invitations of the gospel, and bring the light of Christ, to our world by the example of our lives? In this way everyone will be able to recognise the power of the Spirit, active among us, and it will help all of us grow in faith.

Published Fri 7th Feb 2014 16:22:12

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