Have you ever noticed that some people go through life and indeed seem to enjoy, being grumpy, with a permanent chip on their shoulder, because they feel that life has treated them unfairly in some way or another. The future always looks better when your attitude is right, but you will find that the present is also more enjoyable if you have a more optimistic view of life and try to cultivate a good sense of humour.
Two bricklayers were once employed building a large wall, but both had different attitudes to the job. One of the bricklayers complained constantly and when he was asked what he was building would reply, “Nothing! I’m simply piling one brick on top of another all day long; until I feel my back is breaking under the strain."
The second bricklayer whistled and sang whilst he worked and his face shone with satisfaction and pride in his work. When he was asked what he was building, he would reply with a smile, “It’s only a wall, but I like to pretend it is the wall of some magnificent cathedral, which will stand on this spot for centuries to come.”
I remember once having a conversation with a long distant lorry driver, who covers hundreds of miles each week. I asked him how he managed to drive so far each day without getting bored. The man replied, “Well, I have my radio for company, so I’m never alone and whilst most people get up each day and go to work, I get up every morning and go for a drive in the country and I think I’m really lucky.”
Living with this sort of perspective, will certainly keep you young forever and will give you “an edge on life.”
Keeping our attitude right and our faith strong is our own responsibility ... nobody else can do it for us.
Regular readers will know that not even the Parish Priests are safe from my own brand of humour, but someone who sums up my own feelings and attitude rather well, is that wonderful Liverpool comedian, Ken Dodd, who always finishes his shows by singing:-
“Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess, I thank the Lord
that I’ve been blessed, with more than my share of happiness.”