The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 21st November 2013

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Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman
21st November 2013

Meeting was chaired by John Kilcoyne
The meeting started with prayers prepared by Christina Hamilton
Absents: Sr. Nora, Patrick Bradley & June Lightfoot.

Minutes of previous meeting approved by Richard Strudwick and seconded by Fran Hughes:

Youth Ministry

The meeting was reminded of the 5 options previously suggested as follows.
1.Seek to appoint a full time successor to Hannah Zafar
2.Consider continuing Youth Ministry with Parish Volunteers only
3.Seek a part time appointment
4.Make no specific continued provision
5.Plan to continue, for the time being with a reduced ministry to give continuity to those currently attending, to give time for a fuller appraisal of the options after Fr. Paul has taken up his post.
The subcommittee of PPC members Angela De Rosier, Patrick Bradley together Alan, Bill, Tosin, Tony, & Hannah met on the 10th November to discuss what the parish needs from the role of a Youth Worker if we were to go down that road again.
The PPC were provided with a copy of the minutes of this meeting (copy below), and Angela highlighted the main points.
It was said that the volunteers were providing an excellent service to the very few young people who attend FLEA & ASH but the volunteers all have other commitments of work and are not able to provide the help & support that is needed.
It was said that there is a lot of good work going on the parish for young people but more is needed to encourage them to follow the faith and develop this.
The role of a Youth Worker needs to be redefined for what we require now. It was also suggested that the role should be part-time over 2 or 3 days.
Corpus Christi now employee a lay Chaplin and is this role enough for the youth while at school.
A fund raising awareness campaign needs to be followed to encourage more parishioners across the whole parish to sign up to the regular monthly giving. The fund must be self sufficient before we can employ another Youth Worker.
Fr. Paul felt the feedback was more positive at this meeting then the last PPC meeting.
A Youth Ministry Committee is to be formed with Fr. Paul, Patrick Bradley, and Angela De Rosier & Alan Robinson. This committee will oversee the raising of funds and if possible the employment of a Youth Worker and will then continue to support the worker if employed.


Nothing has happened know for over 6 months.
A meeting with Fr. Paul & Eamonn McGee to be arranged before the next PPC.
One thing which came from the visiting in the Corpus Christi area was having the bells ringing. They are now working with the help of a handy man and electrician.
Agenda item for next meeting

Parish open meeting / AGM

Fran has looked into the possibility of a Liturgy Workshop and has not been able to find anything on the internet or the Diocese. There are a number of courses advertised on the bulletin but these are specialist groups. Fr. Paul & Deacon Sean suggested 2 names of which 1 may be willing to come and work with the parish. Fr. Paul to follow up with the possibility of a workshop on a Saturday in the Spring.
Many people are involved with the liturgy in some way but do they understand what they are doing. If more understanding is know then this would enhance the liturgy for them and others.
Fran is to meet the musicians from across the 3 churches. They are to work together for the Carol Service.
It was suggested that there could be a Diocesan Day of Music for Lent & Easter so that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. Deacon Sean to follow this up for the Spring.

Re-election of PPC Members
Nominees have been requested via the bulletin and this to be pushed from the pulpit this coming weekend. The closing date is 30th November.
Fran Hughes (SG), June Lightfoot (CC) & Richard Strudwick (ST) are to step down at the end of this year. I nominee from each church is needed and if more names are received from any one church then an election will take place. PPC members are to encourage others to serve a term on the council.



A letter was handed to Fr. Paul from a parishioner at Corpus Christi regarding the resent notices in church about silence in the church before Mass. The writer feels this is a “demand for silence”
Prior to the notices this followed a letter to the PPC in July requesting that the noise in church before Mass should be addressed. Hence the notices about silence and turning off of mobile phones.
When the notices were put up Fr. Philip spoke at all Masses in the parish over 2 weekends detailing why this was to happen and also notices were put into the bulletin for 3 weeks.
It was said that each church has a porch and talking can take place in the porch before entering the church where people are praying and preparing for Mass in the presence of the Lord.
Fr. Paul is to visit the letter writer.
It was suggested that Corpus Christi should introduce Tea & Coffee after Mass either in the porch or in the hall. A rota should be introduced like the other 2 churches and not left to the few.

Life Charity Shop.

Fr. Paul has been approached by the Life organisation regarding the possibility of them opening a charity shop in the Crossgates area.
This shop is not a profit making project but will also offer counselling facilities for those in need.
It is hoped the organisers will come and speak with the parish seeking volunteers to cover the shop.
The PPC members supported in principle the project but said there are many charity shops in the Crossgates area with some closing due to lack of support.
Fr. Paul to take this forward.

Vote of Thanks

John on behalf of the PPC thanked Richard, Fran and June for their support and time on the PPC.
Richard & Fran said they had enjoyed their time serving the parish in this way and if time permitted in the future Fran would be willing to be re-elected.

Next meeting 16th January 2014 at 7.00pm
Meeting to be chaired by – Sheelagh Pickles
Prayers to be prepared by – Angela De Rosier

Published Mon 9th Dec 2013 23:23:34

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