Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 10th October 2013
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Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman
10th October 2013
Meeting was chaired by Patrick Bradley
The meeting started with prayers prepared by Richard Strudwick
Absents: Sean Quigley Sheelagh Pickles, Christina Hamilton.
Minutes of previous meeting approved:
Parish Administrator Role
A written paper confirming the role will remain in the future should there be a change on Parish Priest. This was signed by those present and will be held on file.
Noise in church
Welcoming, giving out bulletins & hymn books, collecting or depositing items should all be moved in the porch area.
Silence should be kept when entering the church. This has been welcomed by many at church and must continue at each church.
PPC introduction to Fr. Paul
The meeting started with the PPC members giving a brief introduction about them to Fr. Paul and advised him which church they represented.
Youth Ministry
Alan Robinson a helper with the ASH group came along to the meeting to give feedback on what has been happening with both youth groups since Hannah Zafar has left.
The 5 options previously suggested were discussed.
1.Seek to appoint a full time successor to Hannah Zafar
2.Consider continuing Youth Ministry with Parish Volunteers only
3.Seek a part time appointment
4.Make no specific continued provision
5.Plan to continue, for the time being with a reduced ministry to give continuity to those currently attending, to give time for a fuller appraisal of the options after Fr. Paul has taken up his post.
Another option came forward to ask Corpus Christi College to consider allowing their new Youth Chaplin to work sometime in the parish.
It was announced that Anna Cowell the former Diocesan Worker has been appointed as Youth Chaplin to the college.
After a lengthy debate it was decided to set up a sub committee to review the attendance to both groups, the resources of volunteers, possibility of employing a full or part time Youth Worker and the financial funds available for this work in the future. Ann Cowell would be invited to this meeting so we could understand her role, ideas, and how we can work together and support her in her work.
The subcommittee is Angela De Rosier, Patrick Bradley, Alan Robinson & Fr. Paul
The parish needs to decide what we want from a Youth Worker if we were to go down that road again.
People often feel that by making a donation they are doing something for the young people but is this enough to get them to church and the meetings.
More volunteers are needed for ASH (13 – 15 years) & FLEA (10 – 13 years) to continue as 3 of the 4 volunteers for FLEA are themselves committed to their careers with further education.
This matter to be on the agenda for the next meeting
Due to the holiday period, since the last meeting no further work has taken place. Therefore Eamonn McGee is to be invited to the next meeting to give feedback on the analysed details and consider the next step forward.
A celebration of the work and achievement researched is still to be arranged for all those involved.
Agenda item for next meeting
Parish open meeting / AGM
4 priority categories
1.Welcome & Invitation
2.Music in the Mass
4.Justice & Peace.
The 4’s point should be dealt with one at a time and seen through.
The last census taken in the parish showed there were many talents in the parish and these should be encouraged to be used in the parish community.
FR. Paul mentioned that Point 1 is already evident in each church with the welcome on the door each weekend. He continued to say we underestimate what we have and already do. Many would be envious of what we have achieved. Since the merger of the 3 churches we have come along working together. This can only get better.
Across the 3 churches we have different communities and different Masses. It does work because the parish make it work.
For the next agenda we need to look at enhancing the liturgy at Mass with possibility of forming Liturgy Groups in each church.
Fran to look into the possibility of a Liturgy Workshop either in the parish or in the Diocese. The parish is big enough and has enough people involved to hold it in the parish. It could also be extended to the Deanery. Fran to report back at the next meeting.
Fran is to meet the musicians from across the 3 churches. They already work together at any big services.
Possibly when the old hymn books at each need replacing we should get the same books in each church.
Re-election of PPC Members
Nominations are to be put forward for the next meeting.
Fran Hughes (SG), June Lightfoot (CC) & Richard Strudwick (ST) are to step down at the end of this year. They can be re elected for another term if nominated.
Consideration to have a young person the PPC. Hannah Zafar represented them via her role as Youth Worker. Angela to mention this at their meeting.
This item to be added to the next agenda.
Fr. Paul
Thanked the PPC and he is pleased that there are people to help him and willing to take on some responsibility,
He has received a very warm welcome from the parish and is settling in.
Next meeting 21st November at 7.00pm
Meeting to be chaired by – Patrick Bradley
Prayers to be prepared by – Sr. Nora
Published Mon 9th Dec 2013 23:09:44