The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 16th May 2013

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Meeting was chaired by Sheelagh Pickles
The meeting started with prayers prepared by Fran Hughes
Apologies from John Kilcoyne
Richard Strudwick gave late apologies for forgetting the last meeting.

Minutes of previous meeting approved.


Launch of visiting team will be week commencing 23rd May.
18 people volunteered along with Fr. Philip & Fr. Solomon. All enthusiastic and have interesting ideas
2,600 homes on the electoral roll to be visited in the Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe area.
Visiting will be in 3 slots – morning – afternoon - evening.
Visiting will be in pairs and they will cover 3 or 4 streets per slot. Expect to visit 8 – 10 per hour
Door to Door conversing will be:
Greet people / blessing in the name of Christ
Invite household to come and connect with us and give them a leaflet of information / invitation
Ask people if any Catholics live there - census of Catholics.
Each team will have a feedback sheet to complete and return to the office.
Expecting a variety of responses.
Leave a leaflet if not in.
Base will be Corpus Christi church.
Welcome Team at Corpus Christi church at weekend Masses to be briefed on welcoming new faces.
Display in the church porch to be created.

Prayer Initiative Team
On hold due to work load.

Parish open meeting / AGM
Booklet of all groups on the parish website and well received.
On the day there were many learning experiences as people were confused about the format of the day.
Music at church was mentioned and Fran is to follow this up across all 3 churches. (Action point)
Suggestion to look at one of the 6 questions at length at each PPC meeting. Could take too long a period.
Suggestions were to have open days more often or to get people together more.
More communication is necessary. The website must be kept up to date. Work has started on this. (Action point)
There are a lot of points on the feedback sheets for each of the 6 questions. These overlapped and could be reduced into categories. HZ to action this point and pull out 3 or 4 areas to look at the next PPC meeting.
Clergy visiting was mentioned and Fr. Philip advised the meeting that over the last 3 months PH, SB. SrN & SQ have nearly visited all the housebound. It was suggested that this is communicated to the parish.
The lack of altar servers was mentioned and discussed.
Now is the time to visit the 2 primary schools and approach the First Holy Communion children and their parents.
Corpus Christ church needs someone to look after this area as Bernard Gomersal is in America.
JL is to visit CC school.
Adults can also serve but it would be very sad not to see the children serving, as this is part of the formation of a youngster’s faith.
Communications to be added to next meeting agenda. (Action point)

Corpus Christi Golden Jubilee
Sunday 2nd June 2013 Feast of Corpus Christ has been chosen to celebrate the opening of the church.
The Franciscan Sisters start on Saturday 1st June at 3pm with children’s entertainment prior Mass.
Saturday 5.15pm Family Mass followed by faith supper in the hall.
Main celebration Mass at 10.30am. Past clergy have been invited but only aware of Brother Frank who is coming.
Blessed Sacrament procession and Benediction in the afternoon starting in church at 2pm and concluding in the college grounds.
Corpus Christi College have been very helpful in the planning process and in providing refreshments in the college after the procession.
Unfortunately John Fisher’s marching brass band can’t play due to late notice.
Obtained a copy of the booklet used last year for procession from the Diocese – useful for format and hymns.
Displays of memorabilia to be arranged.
DVD to be shown of the church opening.
Procession will take place in college chapel if weather bad.
CJM concert on Saturday 11th May was amazing.
Organ recital on Wednesday 15th May was enjoyable and memorable. A wonderful organ and said to be the best in Leeds.
RS to contact Patrick Sykes re photos for the press.
SP to ask BJHN Churches Together rep to contact members of the Churches Together and issue an open invitation to the celebrations.
Mr Mort of the College to knock on doors along Halton Moor Avenue to ask people to move cars so the procession can walk on the pavement.
Next meeting for the Jubilee is at the Kilcoyne’s on Thursday 23rd May
Fr. Philip expressed thanks for the hard work in the organisation for the celebrations.

Finance Report
Fr. Philip issued a Parish finance report for year ending April 2013 together with an explanation of the different sections of the report.
The group accepted the report and agreed it could be issued to the parish the following weekend.

Characteristics of a Parish Pastoral Council
Included in the Foundation document of a PPC - as well as prayers at the beginning and end of the meeting, the council should meet perhaps once a year for a longer period of prayer and reflection.
A number of ways this could happen were discussed remembering people also have very busy lives and family commitments. It was agreed to meet on Thursday 27th June for 1 hour of prayer followed by a social of 1 hour.
Sean & Fran have agreed to put an hour of pray, reflection & music together. (Action point)

Next meeting 16th July 2013 at 7.00pm
Meeting to be chaired by – Sheila Kennedy
Prayers to be prepared by – Angela Des-Rosiers

Published Mon 9th Dec 2013 22:30:51

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