WORLD MISSION SUNDAY All The Church For All The World
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Today we join Catholic parishes and communities around
the world by offering our prayers and material help to our
brothers and sisters in countries where the Church is new,
young or poor. They in turn will care for others, sharing
God’s love and compassion. Your help on World Mission
Sunday - like your support for Peru, for Kroonstad, for
Cafod – will help them grow strong and share the Good
News of Jesus with all peoples.
Pope Benedict writes:
On World Mission Sunday I ask the whole people of
God to reflect on the importance of the Church’s
missionary activity. In the task of Evangelisation we
have the certainty that Christ, the Lord of the harvest,
is always with us as our guide. Missionary work is still
the foremost service the Church owes to humanity.
The primary contribution we can all make is prayer.
The missionary task belongs to us all. I appeal
especially to young people to be ready to be part of
this mission. I address the sick and the suffering,
mindful of the value of their mysterious share in the
work of redemption. May the Blessed Virgin with her
maternal care help us realise we are sent by the Lord
to be his witnesses.
Published Fri 18th Oct 2013 11:40:50