The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


Read 1559 Times
The woman singeth at her spinning-wheel
A pleasant chant, ballad or barcarole;
She thinketh of her song, upon the whole,
Far more than of her flax; and yet the reel
Is full, and artfully her fingers feel
With quick adjustment, provident control,
The lines-too subtly twisted to unroll -
Out to a perfect thread. I hence appeal

To the dear Christian Church-that we may do
Our Father's business in these temples mirk,
Thus swift and steadfast, thus intent and
While thus, apart from toil, our souls pursue
Some high calm spheric tune, and prove our
The better for the sweetness of our song.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Published Fri 19th Jul 2013 17:54:25

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