Parish Youth Ministry Report
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What's changed in the last 12 months?
Between Sep 2011- July 2012, Richard Doherty worked part time as the Parish Youth Ministry Coordinator while Hannah was on a 'sabbatical' course in Rome. Hannah Zafar returned to the parish in Aug 2012 as full time Parish Youth Ministry Coordinator.
What's happening in the parish for young people?
(majority held in the Newman Centre)
- Monthly youth Masses, planned by the young people
- Youth 'band' who provide the music at the youth Masses.
- Two 'ASH' Youth Groups for School Yrs9 and above; Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-8.30pm (young people attend one or the other)
- One 'FLEA' Youth Group for School Yrs5 and above; Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm.
- Two Confirmation courses; Mondays after school at Corpus Christi College and Fridays 6.30-8pm at Newman Centre (young people attend one or the other)
- Monthly diocesan youth event 'Revelation' (for School Yrs9-11)
- Special events for the season; eg. Halton Moor family fun day- Oct 2012, Christmas 'special' youth day- Dec 2012, Easter Triduum sessions- Mar 2013.
- Various residentials/ events organized by external organisations like Youth 2000, Leeds Youth Cell Network, Activ8 Leeds, and the Diocese of Leeds.
- Young adults' informal network- previous youth group members from the parish. Informal network of support including social gatherings, retreats, and one-to-one support from Hannah. These young adults have been involved in leading other younger people, such as the Confirmation group, the weekly 'ASH' Youth Group and 'holiday season' events.
What's happening in Corpus Christi College?
- Co-ordination of all staff-led Year Chaplaincy Groups (Yr7-11), Hannah runs the Yr9 Chaplaincy group
- 'Catholic Foundation Stones' course run for staff and youth volunteers at Corpus Christi Catholic College (introduction to the Catholic faith)
- Attend regular Staff Chaplaincy meetings
Helping to equip the school's "Moodle" online resource base with prayers, ideas, scriptures, etc.
Future plans
- Summer residential; 22nd-26th July 2013 at a venue in East Leeds to be confirmed, for School Yrs 10 and above.
Who's involved?
There are a number of youth ministry volunteers who support the work for young people in the parish.
- They attend regular prayer/ training/ formation events in the diocese including retreat days and Youth Ministry Training events.
- They help supervise youth activities on a rota basis (but often choose to come more frequently of their own choice)
- They provide practical support- eg, lifts, cat
ering, etc.
- Some volunteers prepare and execute sessions with young people
- They are committed to their own personal faith and to learning how to communicate that faith more effectively to young people.
MORE VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME- you may have more to contribute than you think!!!
Published Tue 16th Apr 2013 13:56:45