The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

15th Leeds Templars (St Theresa’s) Cub Scouts

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St Theresa's Church has had a Cub pack for over 50yrs. I myself was in Cubs as a youngster and moved on to Scouts when the time came for me to do so, having enjoyed myself over the years. Now here I am some 40yrs later as Akela Cub Scout Leader, having been an assistant Scout Leader way back in the 70s. Cub Scouts are for boys and girls aged 8yrs to 10 1/2yrs and many of our Cubs come up from Beaver Scouts which is for boys and girls aged 6yrs to 8yrs olds.

The Cubs have a range of activities to do which helps them work towards a number of badges which they can wear with great pride on their jumpers.
Some of the badges are staged so take a little longer to achieve but we do try to make it fun for them so as not to scare them away. In total there are 52 badges to be gained and we do try to work to a program so the Cubs can achieve as many badges as possible while they are with us for the 2 1/2yrs.

We try to encourage the Cubs to do some badge work at home such as Animal Carer and Collectors Badge, but we do understand that they may have school work to do also so we don't nag them to do more than what they want to do.

Here are a few Badges that the Cubs aim to get before moving on to Scouts after 2 1/2yrs.
Chef - This can be great fun as we do our best to cook a simple meal that is hopefully edible at the end of the night. The only hard part is the washing up afterwards.
Book Reader – This is a badge that all Cubs can achieve at home and in their own time over a period of weeks. They need to read some books and then explain to a leader what the books were about and who the author was and what they have gained by reading that particular book.
Home Safety – This a badge gained over a couple of weeks, where the Cubs are taught how to deal with an emergency in the home. They learn how to call the emergency services and how to contact all relevant services as when needed.
Map Reader – This is where the Cubs learn the basics of how to read a map and how to read a 4 figure and 6 figure grid reference to find locations on a map, besides learning all the different types of symbols seen on a map. This badge alone can take a few weeks to complete and prepares them for learning more detailed work in Scouts.

Without listing all the other badges that can be gained whilst in Cubs let me tell you that Great Fun and lots of laughs can be had on a Monday night between 6-30pm and 8-00pm (Term Time Only) if only you dare take that first step into Scouting.

We do also have some Games nights and Party nights as the year goes on, as we don't want all work and no play as that would definitely put the youngsters off from joining us.

You do not need to have been a Beaver to join Cubs you only need to come on down to The Newman Centre Monday evening (Term Time Only) and meet with myself Kevin (Akela) or Clare (Baloo - Assistant Leader) and we are ably assisted by two Young Leaders by the names of Sophie (Bagheera) and Eoghan (Kaa)

While in Cubs you will also take part during the year in many different District Events of which we have won a few trophies over time. We have such events as the Annual Swimming Gala held in November at the John Charles Centre Leeds. (Won a couple of times) We have the Annual Ten Pin Bowling Tournament in February which takes place at Hollywood Bowl Kirkstall. (Won a few times) We also have a District Carol Service each Christmas, which is held in a different Church each year.

There also District Camps to go on when they come around, and we do try to attend these if we can get there.

There is also some group camps to go on, although these are only done maybe twice a year and we tend to share with the Scouts to help keep the costs down, but a great time is always had by all those who go – Honest!!!
Cubs can go on small hikes and walks (Again we may join in with the Scouts for these) plus we have day trips out to various places. Just last year we had a visit to Stump Cross Caverns and we had a wonderful experience going underground and then enjoying lunch outside in the wilds.

We paid a visit to The Growing Zone in Kippax which is an allotment area which is aimed at helping children or groups with special needs. While there we learnt all sorts about how to plant and grow various plants and seeds. We were given some Sun Flowers seeds to plant into pots this year so we can re-plant them out in to the gardens at home for a wonderful plant to grow nice and tall (We hope)

Cubs do have to pay Subs (£23 Per Term). This money goes not only towards buying equipment needed but also towards paying our Capitation Fees to the district. These fees in turn pay for our Insurance so if we go Camping – Caving – Hiking and anyone should get hurt then we have insurance to cover these situations.

If after reading this small article I have not put you off and you are interested in Joining Cubs then why not give us a call to find out a little bit more Kevin & Clare Gairn 0113 – 2738310 or on our mobiles Kevin 07795 – 623871 Clare 07855 – 309337 and we will talk to you more.
We look forward to hearing from you and Thank You for taking the time to read this article.

Kevin & Clare Gairn CSL / ACSL

Published Tue 16th Apr 2013 13:20:57

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