The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Corpus Christi Children’s Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy is held every Sunday at Corpus Christi at the 10.30 Mass. The children are invited to come forward after the opening prayer of the Mass where the priest blesses them and then they process to the Sacristy where the Liturgy takes place.

The children listen to the Sunday Gospel and readings at a level they understand and enjoy and we also further their understanding through a questions and answer session, prayers and songs. Our main aim is to raise awareness of God's love for them, and to lead them into full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy of the parish.

The children return to join the full congregation at the offertory. And the work they have done is brought up during the offertory as their gift to God and the Community.
It is open to all children of primary school age, from reception to year 6. Younger siblings are welcome to be brought in if accompanied by a parent.
There are 8 of us in total and we are just parents / adults in the parish who are keen to pass on our faith to the children. We work in pairs on a 4-week cycle and each session is based on the readings of the day. Using a variety of

resources we have, over the years, built a small library of activities and creative which helps in planning the activities for the children. The activity/ work sheets which the children take up to altar at the offertory are taken home to share with other family members.

At the moment the children are on their ‘Lenten Journey’. At the beginning of Lent the children received a calendar showing the days in Lent and they have been building up a storyboard which has examples of their activity each week and will take them to up to Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday the children joined in a procession waving palms and singing and they each received a booklet of the Stations of the Cross.
And during the year the children will play active parts in celebrating the seasons of Easter, Advent and special feast days.

We are always looking for people to help as either a Liturgy leader or helper. If you would like more information or have any questions, please speak to any one of us.

Published Tue 16th Apr 2013 12:58:51

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