The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Unwrap your precious jewel

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Pope Benedict wrote, this year of faith is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord. We are to radiate the Word of Truth in our lives. We are invited to look at, be inspired and nourished by the great riches in the treasury of our faith. “The love of Christ urges us (2. Cor 5:17) to go through that open door and bring others with us."

The radical enthusiasm of St. Paul for sharing the faith is at the heart of this year of faith. In his letter, 'Porta Fides' (The door of faith) Pope Benedict stated, "Faith grows when it is lived as an experience of love received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and joy." He went on to quote St. Augustine, “Believers strengthen themselves by believing."

So here I would say let us live our faith and communicate that experience of grace and joy, first of all in our every day lives with everyone we meet. But listen, let's not stop there; we have all been given the gift of faith and we are all called to put it on show. Like the lantern hidden beneath a bucket; take out the lantern and light up everyone's world by standing it on the bucket. Equally so the Pope wrote that, this gift of faith should not lie wrapped up and hidden away in a safe place, like a precious jewel; unwrap it for everyone to see and to share in His love.

One of many ways you can do this would be to search out a parish group, one whose work you might enjoy and possibly even be good at. Our many parish groups will always welcome a boost to their numbers. Whether it's Children's Liturgy or Preparation for the Sacraments, Youth Club or Youth Ministry to mention just a few, or the SVP or Youth/16-33 SVP - all are looking to recruit anyone who can spare just a little time, maybe only one evening a week or even less. The SVP in particular would love to have You on board. Here, for example, just one evening per week is all that's needed to visit, usually in twos, to enjoy a chat with an elderly/housebound parishioner. The Youth 16-33 SVP supports the mainstream or senior SVP and are looking to branch out, helping in the community in more varied ways. See the Parish Magazine for contact details.

Come on then, take out your lantern, unwrap your precious jewel, whatever skill or talent you have, even if it's merely that most valuable gift of listening and show/use your gift of grace and joy. We all have different talents; I'm sure yours will be more than useful to one or more of the parish groups.


Published Thu 28th Mar 2013 19:40:26

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