The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Pastoral Council for Blessed John Henry Newman 21st March 2013

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Meeting was chaired by Sr. Nora

The meeting started with prayers prepared by Hannah Zafar

Apologies from Patrick Bradley, Angela Des-Rosiers (emailed rec’d 7.01pm 21/3) - Richard Strudwick absent.

Minutes of previous meeting approved.

Young Families Workshop Day

  • A further meeting was held on the 12th January with about 20/30 people in attendance.
  • All willing and enthusiastic to make things happen.
  • Main points were Baptism, Children’s Liturgy & Youth
  • HZ informed the meeting there is a good group for Confirmation. Schools had been sent texts re the times and venues for the preparation meeting.
  • After the events the youth are invited come along to the various youth clubs/meetings.
  • Children’s Liturgy – Josie McHugh from Corpus Christi has undertaken to arrange a meeting across the 3 churches so they can all share their best practices.
  • Funding – all expenses to be met. Invoices to be given to Mary in the office.
  • Baptism preparation group to continue to invite people from other groups like First Holy Communion & Children’s Liturgy to speak to the parents about what is available after baptism.
  • Training of altar servers. It is evident that this is needed in all 3 churches.
  • Plenty happening and moving forward.

Parish open meeting / AGM

  • This will take place on Saturday 20th April 10.00am – 2.00pm.
  • The day should consist of Prayer, discussion, group displays and a social event.
  • All groups have been invited to submit a report on their activities by the 31st March. These will then go into a booklet to be handed out at all Masses over the weekend 13th / 14th April.
  • Poster advertising the Open day to be made and put about.
  • Display possibly left out over night for those attending St Theresa’s on Sunday morning.
  • Those wanting to hold a stall are asked to arrive by 9am.
    • 10.00am Doors open
    • 10.30am opening prayer – Ann Lunn followed by welcome from Fr. Philip.
    • Report by the PPC
    • 11.15am split into small groups.
    • Return back into full group for feedback
    • Closing Liturgy
    • Shared lunch
    • 2.00pm Finish

Corpus Christi Golden Jubilee

  • Sunday 2nd June 2013 Feast of Corpus Christ has been chosen to celebrate the opening of the church.
  • The PPC members from CC John, June & Sheila are responsible for arrangements.
  • Saturday 5.15pm Family Mass followed by faith supper in the hall.
  • Main celebration Mass with invited clergy & guests at 10.30am
  • Possibility to cancel morning Masses at other churches so everyone can attend this Mass. Mixed views.
  • Blessed Sacrament procession and Benediction in the afternoon. Fr. Philip still waiting to hear from Diocesan office.
  • Policing may be needed if procession goes outside on the road.
  • Displays of memorabilia to be arranged.
  • Next meeting – PH to attend.
  • Funding for stationary & refreshments will be covered.
  • Fair-trade tea & coffee to be purchased. Wine for the Faith Supper?
  • Visitors may need accommodation & Sunday lunch provided.
  • CJM concert Saturday 11th May 7.30pm cost approx: £7 and £5 for concessions.
  • Organ recital Wednesday 15th May

Welcome T-shirts

  • Seen at other churches.
  • Good idea for the Youth Masses and special occasions.
  • Not sure good idea for every week. Will not be worn by some of our regular welcome teams.
  • Purchase 10 t-shirts.

Parish Covenants

  • All nominations discussed.
  • Home charityLeeds Survivor Led Crisis Service, Halton
  • Away charity – Missionary Sisters of the Poorest of the Poor.
  • Above 2 charities will receive £1,360 each.


  • Following on from the Mission a team of volunteers some who visited with the Mission team and others will pilot a system of visiting every house on Halton Moor & Osmondthorpe area.
  • There are about 16 – 20 people so far who have volunteered.
  • A greeting leaflet/ invitation/ prayer card is being prepared and will be given to each household when visited.
  • These will be used to follow up
  • It’s hope is to find if there are any Catholic’s living in the area and invite them and anyone else to come to church.
  • Visiting will start after Easter until about June.
  • The Corpus Christi celebrations advertised.
  • The electoral role list will be used.
  • ID badges will be issued and signed by Fr. Philip.
  • Leaflet drop or cold calling – not decided yet.
  • When this has started a team of 4 people at each mass at Corpus Christi will be needed to welcome new faces to church.
  • Safeguarding – PH to follow up to see if needed as we will not be going in homes unless invited & visitors will be going out in pairs.
  • A planning session with full training will be held before going out.
  • After completed the visiting the teams will meeting to discuss and decide on the way forward with the remaining of the parish area.

Prayer Initiative Team

  • The team will support and pray for the above project.


Social Committee

  • A letter was read out asking the PPC to encourage people from St Gregory’s & Corpus Christi to join in the social group.

Marriage Preparation Course

  • It was with regret Sheelagh Pickles informed the PPC that she and Tony and Jo & Mick Hill will be stepping down from doing the preparation courses for marriage.
  • They have been involved with the courses in the parish for 9 year and involved with Catholic Marriage Care for over 30 years.
  • Other couples are encourages to come forward to train for this work as it is a vital course for those preparing to marry in the church.
  • This news is a blow to the parish as also the Family Life Ministry department is to close at Hinsly Hall as part of the cut backs.
  • Sheelagh and team will put up a display at the parish open day.

Sacramental preparations

  • Fr. Philip informed the PPC that 8 adults and 2 children will be received into the church on Holy Saturday night. Some children will then be baptised on Easter Sunday.
  • Corpus Christi children preparing for First Holy Communion made their First Confession on the 16th March. St Theresa’s children will make theirs on the 24th April as they did not start preparation until late.
  • Confirmation preparations have been split into 2 groups due the large number.

Next meeting 16th May 2013 at 7.00pm

Meeting to be chaired by – Sheelagh Pickles
Prayers to be prepared by – Fan Hughes

Published Wed 27th Mar 2013 12:04:01

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