The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

The Best Things In Life Are Free.

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The statement, “The best things in life are free” is very similar to the one that states, “Money can’t buy you happiness. Both are true but only when taken in context, try buying a home, food, heating, lighting, and clothes for your family without the aid of money. Try telling the homeless living in shop doorways or on the streets without even their basic needs being met, that possessing money isn’t important, but in order to bring happiness it needs to be used wisely and not selfishly.

Shortly before the end of the school term, when a class was about to move on to a new school, the teacher asked her pupils what they hoped to be in the future, when they had finished their education. There were the usual aspirations; - well-paid jobs such as airline pilots, scientists, doctors or pop stars and even one girl who said she was determined to marry a millionaire and not have to work at all. One pupil remained quiet and thoughtful during this discussion. The teacher asked, “What about you Rosemary, what would you like to do with your life?” “Please miss,” she replied, “I’d just like to be happy.” What a profound reply from one so young, but how true!

The Greek shipping magnate and millionaire, Aristotle Onassis was once asked by a newspaper reporter, “What is the one thing you always wanted to possess, but haven’t yet achieved?” His reply was, “Peace of mind.” So as we reflect on what is worthwhile and important in our lives, I’m sure that happiness and peace of mind would be high on our list of priorities. But there is some good news; - the love of God and the love that Jesus gives to us all... are free.

Jesus told us, ”Ask, and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you".

Published Fri 11th Jan 2013 12:18:10

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