The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Venite Adoremus Dominum.

Read 5581 Times
Love came down on Christmas Day, so many years ago

And brought the greatest happiness the world would ever know.

Peace came down on Christmas Day, to fill the hearts of men

With all the sweet tranquillity, each Christmas brings again.

Joy came down on Christmas Day, as Angels came to earth

Heralding the miracle of our Messiah’s birth.

What lovely gifts to all of us, these three so rich and rare
and every year at Christmas, we see them everywhere.

In a few days time, we will gather together, to celebrate once again the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. We do so with great joy and happiness, because His life gives meaning, purpose and hope in our own lives. He is a light shining in the darkness, teaching us how to live free from sin and leading us to the kingdom of God and the happiness we will find in it.

Some children were rehearsing a Nativity play in the school hall when one of them noticed a crucifix hanging on the wall, it seemed so out of place during a Nativity play that one of the children went to remove it. The teacher intervened saying, ”Don’t touch it, that is a reminder to us all, that He was born to die.” That is why the cross is not removed or covered during the Christmas season, looking down on the crib to remind us what His life and ours is all about. We were born to live and die just like him.

Amidst the excitement of Christmas presents, eating and drinking, if we look carefully, we will find that elusive light in all our lives. This is the light that far outshines the Christmas tree lights, however bright they may be.

May The Love, Peace And Joy Of Christ, Be With Us All This Christmas.

Published Sat 22nd Dec 2012 13:54:01

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