The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Who is Hannah Zafar?

Read 3189 Times
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{She is a young brunette Brummie who has over ten years of experience working with young people in the Church.  She is passionate about music, food, Jesus, and anyone who offers her any of the above!  Her favourite thing to do is meet new people.  Anywhere.  Anytime.  She seriously loves it.<br />
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Incidentally, she also used to play football for Birmingham City Ladies, she has a degree from Leed Uni in Theology and Third World Development Studies and she has climbed Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Great Britain!}
(click to enlarge)

{She is a young brunette Brummie who has over ten years of experience working with young people in the Church. She is passionate about music, food, Jesus, and anyone who offers her any of the above! Her favourite thing to do is meet new people. Anywhere. Anytime. She seriously loves it.

Incidentally, she also used to play football for Birmingham City Ladies, she has a degree from Leed Uni in Theology and Third World Development Studies and she has climbed Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Great Britain!}

Published Thu 6th Sep 2012 13:27:21

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