The Sacrament of Baptism
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Baptism (often also called "Christening" ) is the sacrament by which a person becomes a member of the Church and begins a life of faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. For adults preparation for Baptism takes place in the parish through the
Journey in Faith meetings.
It is also usual for Catholic families to bring children to be baptised even as infants. In this case the faith of the parents is the essential condition for baptising the children. In choosing to have children baptised the parents undertake a responsibility to bring them up in the active practice of the catholic faith. They do this by the example of their own lives, by making faith and prayer an important part of family life, and by coming to Sunday Mass in the parish with their children.
The parish community welcomes families asking to have their children baptised, and wishes to give them every help and support in the choice they are making. Before a baptism can take place the parents are required to take part in the Baptism Preparation Meetings. These take place several times a year, and consist of four evening meetings. The dates of the preparation evenings are published in the weekly parish bulletin. For more information, contact one of the priests or the parish office.
Published Tue 1st May 2012 10:56:07
Last Modified on Sat 8th Dec 2018 14:08:53