Mission Prayer
Read 1465 Times
Loving Father
We give you thanks for the many blessings
and opportunities you offer to us.
Help and Guide us now as we unite to work
alongside the Sion Community to host our
Parish Mission.
Holy Spirit Move in Us.
Strengthen and inspire us.
To remove the obstacles
That fear and misunderstanding
can create in our Communities.
Breathe into us the wisdom and
To become One Family in Christ.
We pray that in our coming together
We will grow to love you and each other
more willingly
And worship you more joyfully
Grant that our renewed faith and courage
may open our hearts
And through love, service, prayer and
forgiveness build our Parish as one
One Family in Christ. Amen
Body of Christ Be our Salvation
St Gregory Pray for us
St Theresa Pray for us
Blessed John Henry Newman Pray for us
Published Fri 27th Apr 2012 13:47:26