LIVE-STREAMING OF MASS FROM LEEDS CATHEDRAL - continues each Sunday to live stream Mass. Visit: or
CATHOLIC CARE VACANCIES: Vacancies across the Diocese, visit or call 0113 388 5400.
JUBILEE YEAR PRAYER VIGIL: St Mary's, Batley will be hosting a Prayer Vigil entitled; "Crucem, Hostia et Virginem" (the Cross, the Host and the Virgin Mary) on the 1st Friday of each month in 2025. There will be an opportunity for Confession, Adoration, Mass and receiving the Jubilee Indulgence. Friday 7th February at 6pm.
Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 4th - 10th July - led by Bishop Marcus Stock: Booking forms are available in each church porch or the parish office.
ONLINE RESOURCE FOR READERS AT MASS: Three short videos on ‘Proclaiming the Word from the New Lectionary: a Refresher for Readers' have been produced by the Diocese to form a simple and concise guide and provide some useful "DOs and DON'Ts" women and men who exercise the important ministry of reading at Mass. Access videos via our YouTube channel,
LEEDS CATHEDRAL GUIDED TOURS WINTER PROGRAMME: Free Guided Tours take place on the following Saturdays at 1.30pm: 15th February and 22nd March. The tours last about 1 hour. No booking is required. On arrival, please gather by the Baptismal Font at the back of the Cathedral.
LITTLE SISTERS FUNDRAISING EVENT: On Friday 28 February 2025 at Irish Centre Tara Suite, 7.30pm. Tickets £25.00. Meal of soda bread, Irish stew and dessert, also Irish band dancing, sing-a-long, auction and raffle. Please come along and support the Little sisters and have a great night of entertainment. All proceeds to go towards rebuilding of Mount St Joseph's. Contact details Sr. Christina Email
REJOICE IN HOPE: Friday 14 February, 7pm, St Mary's Church, Halifax, HX1 5HD. Mission Halifax invite you to ‘Rejoice in Hope' - a monthly prayer group. Adoration, praise & worship, prayer, and opportunity for social time following. All welcome. Follow us on
Facebook and
Instagram - @missionhalifax
THE ANNUAL LOURDES DINNER DANCE: will take place on Friday
28 February 2025 at the Met Hotel in Leeds, Tickets are £40 each
or £375 for a table of 10, Ticket price includes a reception drink, a
3 course dinner and entertainment throughout the night. Please
contact Phil Marshall for tickets or more info on 07766 148375 or
RECRUITMENT OF LAY TRUSTEES: Applications are welcomed for the role of Trustee from Catholic lay faithful to enrich the diversity of the Board's membership. Additionally, the Diocese are seeking to expand the committee structure of the Trustees and would welcome applications for membership of those committees as well. Please see the Diocesan website for more details and how to apply.
LEEDS PAX CHRISTI PRAYER SERVICE: Leeds Pax Christi is organising an Ash Wednesday Prayer Service outside Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane on 5 March, 12.30pm. We urge repentance for those involved in nuclear war preparations and pray that we all have the courage to say yes to peace no to war. All are welcome. For more information contact Carol 07707061115.