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More Parish Mission Events
We want to encourage people to attend as many events as possible and to this end arrangements are being made to provide a transport service. If you would like to take advantage of this service please contact the Parish Office (2645260).
The Mission is very nearly here and represents, for us all, an opportunity to set aside time for God, to be on retreat together and deepen our relationship with Him and with each other.
Our Mission Theme is ONE FAMILY IN CHRIST
The Sion team is led by Amanda. During the first week the Sion team will consist of six people and in the second week four people plus the Mission priest.
Weekend masses will be at their usual times, however, a special timetable has been devised for the second week. During the Masses over the first weekend, members of the Sion team will provide an introduction to the Mission experience.
This page refers to the Parish Mission of 2012, it is now archived
Throughout the first week, in addition to the listed daily Masses, members of the Sion Community, each paired with a parishioner from our churches, will be visiting parishioners in their homes. This is an opportunity to share faith, talk of concerns we may have, to pray together and to find out more about the Mission.
The first vigil Mass of the second week is a Family Mass at Corpus Christi. It will follow the pattern of our usual Family Masses with children involved in the readings, offertory procession and music etc., but on a bigger scale.
Who are the Sion Community?
Founded in 1984, the Sion Community consists of priests, religious and lay people who are committed to proclaiming the Gospel in an encouraging and challenging way. Whilst recognising their own need for constant conversion and renewal, they seek to present the Person of Jesus and invite a new openness to the Holy Spirit.
At 4pm on Sunday 15th there will be a service celebrating all those involved in Parish Ministries e.g. Readers, Eucharistic ministers, church cleaning and many others.
Following the 6pm Youth Mass on Sunday 15th, there will be a Youth Event consisting of faith, fun and food (probably pizza).
During the second week (Mon 16th - Fri 20th July 2012) the Mission will follow the following pattern:
Early morning mass (7am) at St. Theresa's Church primarily, but not exclusively, for those workers who would like to make a special effort to attend Mass during the Mission week. The Mass, will be followed by a light breakfast.
At 9:30am a Mass with 'faith sharing', followed by Prayer Experience and tea & coffee. 'Faith sharing' is a powerful experience in which Sion team members share their own faith journey.
At 7:00pm an Evening Mission Service consisting of different forms of presentation including drama, music and film and involving those present. Each evening service will follow a theme. The service on Wednesday will include a Reconciliation service.
During this week the Mission will 'journey' around the Parish, starting at St. Gregory's, moving to St. Theresa's and finishing at Corpus Christi.
On Saturday 21st July there will be a 'Healing' Mass at Corpus Christi, focussing on the sick and housebound and their families.
At 7:30pm that same day, there will be a Parish Social at the Newman Centre for the whole Parish to celebrate the end of the two week Mission.
Loving Father
We give you thanks for the many blessings and opportunities
you offer to us.
Help and Guide us now as we unite to work alongside the Sion Community to host our Parish Mission.
Holy Spirit Move in Us.
Strengthen and inspire us To remove the obstacles
That fear and misunderstanding
can create in our Communities.
Breathe into us the wisdom and enlightenment
To become One Family in Christ.
We pray that in our coming together
We will grow to love you and each other more willingly
And worship you more joyfully
Grant that our renewed faith and courage
may open our hearts
And through love, service, prayer and forgiveness
build our Parish as one Community,
One Family in Christ.
Body of Christ, Be our Salvation
St Gregory, Pray for us
St Theresa, Pray for us
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for us