The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Bulletin - Week Commencing: 13th October 2024

Bulletin clip art
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year B

PRAYER INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER POPE FRANCIS FOR OCTOBER: For a Shared Mission We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people

Today : St Callistus I, Pope, Martyr

Parish Notices

Second collection as laid down by the Diocese for World Mission (APF) 19th - 20th October. For taxpayers there are envelopes in the porch for you to use. Every £1 given World Mission receive 25p back from the tax man. Please use an envelope and return to church for the second collection.

Canon Pat wishes to thank everyone who attended his Mass of thanksgiving and the faith lunch which followed. It was a wonderful occasion. Also, he thanks everyone for their best wishes and gifts and cards. He has been overwhelmed with your generosity.

Family Masses in the parish: These will be at the 9am St Gregory's 10.15am St Theresa's & 10.30am Corpus Christi on the following dates.
Sunday 20th October

Sunday 24th November Youth Sunday & Sharing Sunday Christmas Eve vigil Masses.
More help is required to assist with these Masses. You don't need experience just support to the Catechists.

Newman Weekly Draw 5/20 Thank you for your support.
£25 017 Jean Booth
£15 244 John Atkin
£10 085 Judith Childerson

Notre Dame open day Saturday 12th October & Saturday 23rd November at 9.30am to 1pm. See poster on the notice board.

Sacrament of Confirmation - this will take place in our parish on the 5thFebruary 2024. If you have a child in year 6 and above and do not attend our primary schools, you need to register them NOW. If you have a child in year 6 who has been baptised and not received any other Sacraments then please contact the parish office NOW. Please contact the parish office any weekday morning on 0113 2645260 or email
Parents meetings for the Sacrament of Confirmation are on either:
Wednesday 16th October at Corpus Christi Church OR
Wednesday 23rd October at St Theresa's Church.

SVP Annual Christmas Appeal 2024 - If you are able to spare a gift for a child who might not otherwise receive a present on Christmas morning, please being it along to Mass on our Sharing Sunday - 24th November. As it will be easier to match gifts to children, please do not wrap the gifts. Our volunteers will then wrap and label all the gifts ready for distribution before Christmas. The appeal is for children aged 5 - 16 years as there are already plenty of pre-school gifts available.

HCPT Cake & Bun sale after the 10.30am Mass at Corpus Christi on the 20th October.

The Autumn Issue of the Parish Magazine, is now available and can be found from Church foyers and the Parish Office.
Recommended cost still only 50p

RCIA Course: If you would like to become a member of the catholic church or simply interested in learning more about the catholic religion, please give their names to the parish office as soon as possible.
Course of instruction and preparation for reception into the Catholic faith will start on Tuesday 22nd October at 7pm to 8.30pm. This will be a weekly session. Please contact the office on 0113 2645260 to register.

Vocations Group: Are you interested or thinking about the priesthood. What's involved and how do I discern the will of God! This is aimed at lads in secondary school and 6th form college. Come along to an informal chat over a pizza with Fr Benjamin and a guest speaker on Wednesday 6th November at the Newman Centre from 6.30pm to 8pm.
This could be the first of many sessions. Any queries please contact the parish office.

Christmas cards, calendars etc are available in all our 3 churches piety stalls from this weekend.

November is the month of the Holy Souls. Envelopes for the November Dead list are available in the church. Please just put the family name not everyone you wish to remember and your donation into the envelope and return it to church. The names will be in the book from the 1st November.

Church Cleaning Times

St. Theresa's Church Cleaners
Team B cleaning Thursday 24th October

Corpus Christi Church Cleaning
Thursday 17th October - Then 3rd Thursday each month after mass

St Gregory's Church cleaning
Friday after Mass

Gospel Meditaion

Mark 10:17-30

We often get satisfaction from the things we own, clothes, cars, homes, gadgets, or money. There would be something unnatural if we did not. But what happens to us when our possessions begin to ‘own' us, when they take a hold us, when we become obsessed with them? Jesus seeks followers who have the freedom to let go of possessions in order to be a servant of others. In whom have you seen this freedom? When have you experienced it yourself?

Growth implies change. That change sometimes means letting go of something we have at this moment: job, status, home, security, or something else we value. There can be an apparent loss in letting go. Yet have you ever found that you gained more than you lost by having the freedom to let go of something to which you had previously clung?

The disciples thought that Jesus was making impossible demands of people following him. He acknowledged that discipleship was impossible to us on our own efforts alone. How have you experienced the benefits of the help of others and of God when you were faced with difficulties in life?

Diocesan & Other Notices

LIVE-STREAMING OF MASS FROM LEEDS CATHEDRAL - continues each Sunday to live stream Mass. Visit: or


CATHOLIC CARE VACANCIES: Vacancies across the Diocese, visit or call 0113 388 5400.

Oppose Assisted Suicide: scan the QR code from the poster in church to visit "Right to life UK website. There you will find an easy way to contact your MP.

ADVENT EVENTS AT THE BRIERY: Day of Reflection led by Fr Dennis Cassidy, 10.00am - 4.00pm Saturday 7 December £40pp including a two-course home-cooked lunch. Advent Preached Retreat led by Fr Chris Thomas 13-15 December, entitled ‘Advent - a time to meet the God of Surprises'. £215pp fully inclusive/£100pp non-residential. For more information or to book either of these events, contact the Administrators: or 01943 607287

PRAYER FOR THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS: The second session of the Synod will commence on 2 October. The Holy Father has requested the prayers of the whole Church during the Synod. During October, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, please consider offering a decade of the Rosary each week to pray for the maternal intercession of the Mother of God, for the Church and for the members of the Synod

SPIRITUALLY ACCOMPANYING PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA - Online Event - Tuesday 22nd October 7pm: Leeds Diocese older people's charity Growing Old Grace-fully latest online session, led by Rev. Dr.Joe Cortis, will explore how to spiritually support those with living with dementia. To attend email

PRISONERS' SUNDAY Today 13th October we will remember prisoners and their families at Mass this weekend. Prisons are in crisis and life for prisoners and their families in our communities is challenging. PACT, the national Catholic prison charity support prisoners, their families and their children, offering them hope and the chance to turn their lives around. More information at
There a number of collection envelopes if you wish to make a donation to this work.

LEEDS CATHEDRAL GUIDED TOURS AUTUMN PROGRAMME: Free Guided Tours on the following Saturdays at 2pm: 19 October, 23 November and 14 December. The tours last about 1 hour and are free to attend. No booking is required. Please gather by the Baptismal Font at the back of the Cathedral.


All children going to the toilet must be accompanied by their parent/guardian.

Will the parents of the young children who are changing to serve Mass and need assistance please help them. Please do not leave it to other adults.


If you are thinking of getting married in any of our churches at least 6 months' notice must be given. This will enable the couple's preparation and the necessary paper work to be completed

Gluten Free Hosts

There is a supply of hosts in each church. Should you need one of the hosts consecrating please make yourself known to the priest before Mass starts.

Mass Offerings

If you wish a Mass to be said on a certain date for a special intention then we ask you to please give 12 weeks' notice.


LIFE: Pregnant?
Need to talk? Life will help. Ring 07554003000

Children's Liturgy

All children & adults attending children's liturgy must sign the weekly register.


Please pray for the repose of:
Lana McDonagh, Danny McIntyre Jim (James) Brophy, Brian Foster, Martin Stevens Bernadette Gavin, Philip Steel, Teresa Grace, Eliane Bernadette Dalton, who have died recently and John Affleck, Brendan Mowles, Ann McHale whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Please Pray for All Who Are Sick, including:
Baby Eden, Baby Rudeen, Ian Booth, Joan Brown, Des Browne, Maria Clark, Doreen Clarke, Mark Connell, Sheila Cornick, Peter Cumiskey, Joan Cuthbertson, Craig Eden, Mary Ferguson, Michael Gaughan, Riya George, Mary Gill, Rodney Glen, Haven Greyson-Smith (5yrs) Jason Grudzien, Susan Haigh, Peter Hanlon, Anna Hargreaves, Shirley Heselton, Barbara Howland, Lily Howley, Freddie Humphries (baby), , Paul Mallinson, Bridget Mallon, Megan McDonnell, Trevor McDonnell, Jean McGuire, Una Martin, Emma Mather, Angela Murphy, Ellen Musarurwa, Hannah O'Dea, Chantelle O'Donnell, Florence O'Donnell, Patrick O'Mahoney, Alison Pegg, Jimmy Pitts, Peggy Richardson, Elijah Robinson, Irene Robinson, Margaret Royston, Patricia Ryan, Winifred Shearne (ne Hayes) John Small, June Smith, Rita Smith, David Spellman, Patricia Spencer, Maureen Standing, Lucy Stead, Paula Swires, John Taylor, Callum Tempest, Sarah Toth, Deborah Tree, Susan Varney, Anthony (Tony) Waite, Faye Walsh, Kirsty Walker, Jim Walsh, Margaret Webb, Caron Ward, Patricia Ward, Eileen Winn.

Is there anyone you have put on that can now be removed? If so, please contact the parish office on 0113 2645260 or email

Mass intentions received:
For the Lately Deceased:

Danny McIntyre, Jim (James) Brophy, Brian Foster, Martin Stevens

For Anniversaries:
Tom & Helen Marshall, Nora Ware, John Dowling, Winifred & Jimmy Kilcoyne, Patrick Kelly

Special Intentions
Martin Fleming memories, Deceased members of the Niland Family, Mass of Thanksgiving (RS),

New names will be added to the sick list in alphabetical order and highlighted for the first week.

Parish Food Facility - SVP

The Parish Food Facility
Thank you for the generous donations of much needed food for the food facility and the cash donations. We still need your contributions in food items or cash, especially tea, tinned potatoes, tinned carrots, pasta, pasta sauce, sugar, cereal, juice.
Thank you for all your generosity. ALL items are urgently needed.

PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refuges & Asylum Seekers:

PAFRAS LogoPAFRAS is a small grassroots organisation based in Leeds. We work with asylum seekers and the wider community to counter the effects of enforced destitution on vulnerable migrants and to increase access to justice. We provide crisis intervention, advocacy, Level 1 and 2 OISC regaled casework and immigration advice and specialist integrated mental health support. We also have a young person's project for 16 - 24 years old called Young Migrants Matter. We run a weekly drop-in every Wednesday at St Aidan's Community Hall where we provide food parcels, toiletries, casework and mental health support.
Usually we provide around 2600 food parcels every year but through the pandemic we were also delivering an extra 130 food parcels every week. More later...

3.00pm Syro malankara Mass in St Theresa's on Sunday 13th October. This is Fr Rino's community. All are welcome to attend the Mass which will be in the Syro malankara Rite and last approximately 2 hours.

Christ Church Halton Sale of winter flowering plants, shrubs etc. Friday 18th October 9am to4.30pm Saturday 19th October 9am to 12.30pm. Refreshments available. Proceeds to Christ Church funds.

The Bulletin is available in PDF format for download.
13th October 2024 Parish of St. John Henry Newman - Bulletin.pdf

Last Modifed on Sat 12th Oct 2024 00:39:39

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