The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Parish Bulletin - Week Commencing: 19th January 2025

Bulletin clip art
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

PRAYER INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER POPE FRANCIS FOR JANUARY: Please remember in your prayers the following intention: For the right to an education: Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

Today : St Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church

Parish Notices

Sacrament of Confirmation - The children of the parish are nearing completion of their preparation for Confirmation on the 5th February. Please remember them in your prayers.

Deacon Sean Quigley: Deacon Sean will turn 80 years old on the 5th February 2025. After serving our Parish for 12 years as Deacon he is handed his resignation into Bishop Marcus. The Bishop has accepted, so Deacon Sean will retire on the 5th February 2025. We wish him and Anne well in their future. If we need any help and he is up to assisting, we will see him from time to time. Please remember them both in your prayers. On Sunday 2nd February after the 10.15am Mass at St Theresa's you are welcome to join Deacon Sean & Anne for a tea or coffee & bacon sandwich.

Faith Alive Thursday 23rd January 2025 7 to 8 pm - Newman Centre lounge Happy New Year, with the start of the 2025 Jubilee year anniversary the Pastoral Parish Council have arranged a new monthly Parish event. It's an open invitation to come meet and catch up over a brew with other parishioners. It's timeout to listen and talk about our faith and what it means to us in everyday life. It's a friendly and relaxed way to meet, get to know each other and to share and support our faith. Looking forward to seeing you there, it will be great way to start the new year.

In each church there is a supply of the "The Jubilee Companion
cost £1 each.

A leaflet with prayers for the Jubilee Year are available in each
church. Also little cards with the Jubilee Prayer for using at daily

Newman Weekly Draw 19/20
£25 039 Maureen Bligh
£15 253 Gaynor Markham
£10 028 Lisa Russell (c/o Phil Dyson)
Thank you for your support.

Our SVP conference is hosting a "Warm Welcome" at the Newman Centre every Thursday from 12noon to 2pm during the winter months. Come along for a chat and a hot snack at no charge!" Please pass the word around

Update notice from the Chaplain of the HMP Leeds. Please pick up a leaflet from each church.

Week of Christian Unity begins on the 18th to 25th January. The theme is "Do you Believe this"?

t's not too late to start... Ascension presents has a Rosary in a Year podcast - a beautiful way to learn how to deepen your prayer. Hallow App - 33 day Marian consecration with daily reflections on scripture and prayer. Both are short so can be fit into a busy day and are sure to be a blessing to all!

Church Cleaning Times

St. Theresa's Church Cleaners
Team A Thursday 30th January

Corpus Christi Church Cleaning
Thursday 20th February - Then 3rd Thursday each month after mass

St Gregory's Church cleaning

Gospel Meditaion

John 2:1-11

The story is a story of abundance, the abundance of the blessings God gives us. How have you been aware of the abundance of God's blessings? Let the memories lead you to prayer of thanks and praise for the times in your life when that joy and fulfilment have been very real to you.

The hour of Jesus had not yet come when the glory of God would be fully revealed, yet even so something of the glory of God was revealed in the sign that took place. For us also the revelation of the full glory of God lies in the future, but we do get glimpses along the way. Recall some of the signs that have revealed to you something of the glory of God, e.g., nature, art, friendship, etc.

Mary/Jesus. It is interesting to note that despite the apparent rebuff, Mary is the first person in the narrative to show (at the level of the action of the story) that the correct response to the presence of Jesus is to trust in him. When have you trusted in the word of Jesus like that? What relationships do you have that you can trust like that? Do you recall times when your trust was rewarded even when you had been initially disappointed?

Diocesan & Other Notices

LIVE-STREAMING OF MASS FROM LEEDS CATHEDRAL - continues each Sunday to live stream Mass. Visit: or


CATHOLIC CARE VACANCIES: Vacancies across the Diocese, visit or call 0113 388 5400.

JUBILEE YEAR PRAYER VIGIL: St Mary's, Batley will be hosting a Prayer Vigil entitled; "Crucem, Hostia et Virginem" (the Cross, the Host and the Virgin Mary) on the 1st Friday of each month in 2025. There will be an opportunity for Confession, Adoration, Mass and receiving the Jubilee Indulgence. Friday 7th February at 6pm.

SAFEGUARDING CONFERENCE: We are delighted to be hosting our first Safeguarding Conference on Saturday 8th February 2025, 10-3pm at Hinsley Hall. To date guest speakers include the Comboni Survivors Group, Hydrant Programme and Dementia Friendly Churches. It would be a great opportunity to be part of the discussion and sharing of information, to book your place please email

Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 4th - 10th July - led by Bishop Marcus Stock: Booking forms are available in each church porch or the parish office.

WORKSHOP FOR PARISH MUSICIANS - PREPARING FOR HOLY WEEK AND EASTER: Sunday 26 January, 2-4pm, Cathedral Chambers (accessed via Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral). Meet musicians from across the Diocese in this free workshop exploring liturgical music for Lent, Holy Week and Easter. The practical workshop led by Diocesan Choral Directors and composer Teena Lyle, will introduce two new accessible choral pieces, including perusal copies of the music. Our musicians will be on hand for bespoke advice. To book please email the Music Office

RACE NIGHT: to raise funds to help take people with Learning Disabilities on Leeds Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes' Saturday 25th January at 7pm Holy Rosary Catholic Church Community Room, Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4BX
Admission £5 to include pie and peas.

ONLINE RESOURCE FOR READERS AT MASS: Three short videos on ‘Proclaiming the Word from the New Lectionary: a Refresher for Readers' have been produced by the Diocese to form a simple and concise guide and provide some useful "DOs and DON'Ts" women and men who exercise the important ministry of reading at Mass. Access videos via our YouTube channel,

LEEDS CATHEDRAL GUIDED TOURS WINTER PROGRAMME: Free Guided Tours take place on the following Saturdays at 1.30pm: 25th January; 15th February and 22nd March. The tours last about 1 hour. No booking is required. On arrival, please gather by the Baptismal Font at the back of the Cathedral.

PARISH RETREAT DAY - 'PILGRIMS OF HOPE': Saturday 1 February at The Briery, Ilkley. Join parishioners from Wharfedale parishes for a day retreat. £35pp including a home-cooked two-course lunch and all refreshments. Contact the Administrator 01943 607287 for more information or to book.

LITTLE SISTERS FUNDRAISING EVENT: On Friday 28 February 2025 at Irish Centre Tara Suite, 7.30pm. Tickets £25.00. Meal of soda bread, Irish stew and dessert, also Irish band dancing, sing-a-long, auction and raffle. Please come along and support the Little sisters and have a great night of entertainment. All proceeds to go towards rebuilding of Mount St Joseph's. Contact details Sr. Christina Email

CARITAS LEEDS QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER: will be published to flag up the different ways in which parishes, schools and groups are putting into practice Catholic Social Teaching so that we can learn from each other's good practice. If you know of an initiative which is, for example, fostering human dignity, promoting solidarity, enabling subsidiarity or encouraging people to participate in the life of the community, please drop a note by the end of January to


All children going to the toilet must be accompanied by their parent/guardian.

Will the parents of the young children who are changing to serve Mass and need assistance please help them. Please do not leave it to other adults.


If you are thinking of getting married in any of our churches at least 6 months' notice must be given. This will enable the couple's preparation and the necessary paper work to be completed

Gluten Free Hosts

There is a supply of hosts in each church. Should you need one of the hosts consecrating please make yourself known to the priest before Mass starts.

Mass Offerings

If you wish a Mass to be said on a certain date for a special intention then we ask you to please give 12 weeks' notice.


LIFE: Pregnant?
Need to talk? Life will help. Ring 07554003000

Children's Liturgy

All children & adults attending children's liturgy must sign the weekly register.


Please pray for the repose of:
Sandra Stead, Patrick O'Byrne, Maura Ruane, Sheila Divine, Anthony Cohen, Monica Flynn, Michael McHale, Henry McSorley, Teresa Richards, Marye Poole, Delia Catherine Cairns, Lilly Trivunovic, Jim Daley, Patrick McGuire, Deacon Patrick Kelly, Alan Butler, Mary Margaret Brown (nee Readman), Hugh Jones, Nicolas Sanchez Trillo, Rose Buckley, Kitty Spillane, Tom Sweeney who have died recently and, Peggy & Martin Gilroy, Thomas & Jane Harrington & Family whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Please Pray for All Who Are Sick, including:
Baby Eden, Baby Rudeen, Ian Booth, Tony Britten, Joan Brown, Des Browne, Maria Clark, Doreen Clarke, Mark Connell, Sheila Cornick, Peter Cumiskey, Joan Cuthbertson, Karen Dean, Craig Eden, Maggie Eva, Mary Ferguson, Marilyn Furness, Michael Gaughan, Riya George, Mary Gill, Rodney Glen, Jason Grudzien, Susan Haigh, Peter Hanlon, Anna Hargreaves, Maria Hendrick, Shirley Heselton, Barbara Howland, Lily Howley, Freddie Humphries (4yrs), Maureen Ludden, Paul Mallinson, Bridget Mallon, Pat Marfitt, Megan McDonnell, Trevor McDonnell, Jean McGuire, Una Martin, Emma Mather, Bernard Morrison, Angela Murphy, Ellen Musarurwa, Mark Nithsdale, Hannah O'Dea, Chantelle O'Donnell, Patrick O'Mahoney, Alison Pegg, Peggy Richardson, Elijah Robinson, Irene Robinson, Margaret Royston, Patricia Ryan, Winifred Shearne (ne Hayes) John Small, June Smith, Rita Smith, Patricia Spencer, Maureen Standing, Lucy Stead, Paula Swires, John Taylor, Callum Tempest, Sarah Toth, Deborah Tree, Susan Varney, Anthony (Tony) Waite, Faye Walsh, Anthony Walsh, Jim Walsh, Margaret Webb, Caron Ward, Patricia Ward, Eileen Winn

Is there anyone you have put on that can now be removed? If so, please contact the parish office on 0113 2645260 or email

Mass intentions received:
For the Lately Deceased:

Lilly Trivunovic, Jim Daley, Patrick McGuire, Deacon Patrick Kelly, Alan Butler & Family, Pat O'Byrne, Anthony Cohen, Monica Flynn, Mary Margaret Brown (nee Readman), Hugh Jones, Nicolas Sanchez Trillo, Rose Buckley, Florence O'Donnell, Kitty Spillane, Tom Sweeney

For Anniversaries:
Bernard Welsh, Andrew Devine, Jim Gibbon, Derek Farr, Barry Waite, Peggy & Martin Gilroy

Special Intentions
Jackie Byrne 60th Birthday wishes, Jane Sick, Katie McCafferty Sick, Jonathan Watkinson Birthday memories, Lisa Valentine-Jonson Birthday wishes, Tommy McLoughlan Birthday wishes, Nick O'Connell Good wishes and New Year blessings, Derek & Josie Shotton memories, Thanksgiving for safe arrival of Alfie James Norfolk

New names will be added to the sick list in alphabetical order and highlighted for the first week.

Parish Food Facility - SVP

The Parish Food Facility
Thank you for the generous donations of much needed food for the food facility and the cash donations. We still need your contributions in food items or cash, especially Milk, Sugar, Juice, beef sandwich spread, hot
chocolate, coffee, biscuits, cereal, hot dogs, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, tinned fruit, paste shapes (not spaghetti) jam. NO CHICKPEAS -BAKED BEANS - for now

Thank you for all your generosity. ALL items are urgently needed.

PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refuges & Asylum Seekers:

PAFRAS LogoPAFRAS is a small grassroots organisation based in Leeds. We work with asylum seekers and the wider community to counter the effects of enforced destitution on vulnerable migrants and to increase access to justice. We provide crisis intervention, advocacy, Level 1 and 2 OISC regaled casework and immigration advice and specialist integrated mental health support. We also have a young person's project for 16 - 24 years old called Young Migrants Matter. We run a weekly drop-in every Wednesday at St Aidan's Community Hall where we provide food parcels, toiletries, casework and mental health support.
Usually we provide around 2600 food parcels every year but through the pandemic we were also delivering an extra 130 food parcels every week. More later...

The Jubilee Prayer: Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.

The Bulletin is available in PDF format for download.
19th January 2025 Parish of St. John Henry Newman - Bulletin.pdf

Last Modifed on Fri 17th Jan 2025 23:39:47

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