The Story of the Parish Website
Read 1995 Times
The Parish website was originally designed and set up by Peter Freeman in part to commemorate the baptism of his first child and in part in memoriam of his mother Pauline Freeman who had passed away the previous year. Pauline was the Parish Magazine editor and Peter considered that taking on the job of website administrator was a worthwhile tribute.
The website soon outgrew it's free hosting and a proper domain name and hosting was set up. This website was one of the first Parish websites and actually pre-dates the Diocesan website by some two years. This website is archived here.
The very first version of the website is archived here.
When the Parish of the Blessed John Henry Newman was formed a full re-design was called for and with the archiving of the old website we started again. This is the site you are reading now.
The website is well used, The statistics show over 250 page reads every day by people wanting to check the bulletin, or Mass time, or simply to browse the site and its constantly growing collection of resources.
Published Sun 3rd Apr 2011 17:33:44