News from St Theresa’s Primary School
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Welcome back everyone!! I hope you have all had a great summer, despite the weather!
We have had an eventful summer in school and lots has been achieved. There have been some major developments in ICT especially and the school has installed lots of new technology! This has represented a major shift in the learning and teaching of the school and staff are busily getting used to using an interactive pen instead of chalk! The boards are great and are all-in-one systems that move up and down the wall to suit the height of the user... very high-tech!
Mr Bethell has also re-done the playground markings and the car park lines so the outdoor areas are looking really fresh and bright. It has lifted the whole school.
Since I last wrote to you the school has been successful in gaining the Healthy Schools Standard... not only the national award but the advanced award too!! We are delighted because this recognises the excellent effort put in by staff and the children to ensure that everyone in school is committed to a healthy lifestyle. Well done especially to Mrs Grady who has coordinated this!
Lovely news to share... Miss Quinn is engaged to be married and Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Grady are both going on maternity leave at Christmas! Congratulations also to Mrs Ellis who will return to us after her maternity leave sometime in December!
As usual we are all busily preparing to celebrate our patronal feast day on 1 October. On Friday 5 October we are having a Mass in school to celebrate St Theresa’s feast day and CAFOD Family Fast Day. Before we know where we are it will be Advent!!
Until next time... yours in Christ,
John Hutchinson. Head.
Published Mon 5th Nov 2007 19:43:04