The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

Sexually Explicit Materials Campaign

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Parents within the parish may be interested to know that the Member of Parliament for Crosby, Mrs Curtis-Thomas recently introduced a Ten Minute Rule in the House of Commons to restrict the open display of sexually explicit material in newsagents and supermarkets.

The response from the leading Retailers to the follow-up campaign has been most disappointing. For example the Chairman of W H Smiths indicated that having studied the objects he would ensure that these publications were placed above 1.2 metres – exactly the same height as the average seven year old.

Mrs Thomas is now asking for our help in persuading the retail industry to regulate itself – i.e. to put this material out of children’s each and view. She is shortly to meet the Minister for Media, Mr Shaun Woodward MP, and would like as many as possible to write to Mr Woodward so that he is left in no doubt of our attitude in this regard. A letter along the following lines would make the salient points.

Example Letter (MS Word format)
Example Letter (Rich Text format)

Published Wed 31st Jan 2007 10:40:47

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