From Pram to Primary School.
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Calling all parents and child-carers. Would you like the opportunity to share your experience with others, benefit from mutual support and develop your skills in helping your children flourish? A seven week course will be starting soon at St.Theresa's for anyone interested.
In the best of households parents can find themselves under stress for all manner of reasons. Think about the following statements, if you can tick at least one of them then this course is for you:
- The squabbling & fighting is driving me mad.
- I've no time for myself, they are always at me.
- I plead, bribe and threaten but nothing works.
- I feel so embarrassed when they are rude to visitors.
- Parents get blamed for everything these days - they don't need blame they need help.
- It wears me out trying to get him to settle in bed and stay there every night.
- I am so exhausted by their behaviour everything is suffering, family, relationships.
- The house is in turmoil and especially my relationship with my children.
The above can be helpfully answered by couples, lone parents, grandparents or indeed by anyone who cares for children even for short periods of the day.
Starting on Monday 19th February 2007 at 8.00p.m, in two hour sessions, we are offering a course where child-carers of every description, age and sex can meet to watch a 10 minute video showing some of the problems that we all have come across with our children, or variations of them.
Then in small groups we discuss the video, agreeing or disagreeing and sharing how we have coped, what we have tried, what worked or failed for us. Bearing in mind that NO ONE can tell you how you should bring up your child, since every child, every parent and every situation and circumstances are different. Usually in these groups we can all gain insights and perhaps try something new that someone else has found helpful.
These groups are usually great fun and we all benefit as we realise that we aren't alone, the only one dealing with a particular problem. We then plan the actions we might take during the coming week.
Anything shared in the group is held to be confidential. A cup of tea /coffee & biscuits is guaranteed!! More information and publicity in the near future, including on the St. Theresa’s Parish web site.
Cost will be £1 a week per person (£7); this includes a handbook.
If you feel shy, bring someone else with you.
Ann Cheetham
Published Wed 27th Dec 2006 12:58:58