The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

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Staff, pupils and parents are now used to returning to school in September and wondering if they have mistaken the school for a building site! This year has been no exception.

Work started in the autumn term on the lift shaft which is to provide access to all three storeys of the building by the end of February. Progress has been very good on the whole and the lift is now in place and ready to go. All that is left to complete is making good the surrounds to the doors in the school corridors – hopefully these will be done during the half term holiday and we will be able to start using the lift when we return on 28th February.

The installation of a lift adds a whole new dimension to the provision at St. Theresa's. While there are still a few other measures we need to take, we are not far from having excellent facilities for physically disabled pupils. Work began on 25th January to provide ramps at the rear of the building and to carry out repairs and upgrading to the ramp at the front entrance of the school. We are hopeful that this work will also be completed soon after half term.

You may recall that St. Theresa's was one of the first schools in the city to benefit from the provision of a new 'Yellow Bus', which came into service last term. I am delighted to say that from 30th January the school will be served by another 'Yellow Bus' which will ensure that almost all of the school catchment area is covered. These buses are purpose built, have seat belts and CCTV cameras on board, and are driven by specially trained and dedicated drivers.

A group of pupils were recently invited to meet a Government Minister, Karen Buck, to give her their opinions of the 'Yellow Bus' scheme. As usual the children did us proud. We received a letter of thanks from Metro which said:

'May I take this opportunity to say how impressed the tour party were with the children, they were impeccably well behaved and certainly had plenty to say for themselves! They are a credit to you and to the school'.

Finally, it is always good to see parishioners at the school. Keep an eye out for school masses and other activities. You are always welcome to join us.

Mr Rogers

Published Tue 7th Mar 2006 17:56:25

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