The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

St Theresa's Youth Group

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Well what can I say this time round? I shall start with some good news for a change and that is to say that we have been awarded a grant from Leeds City Council.

I was advised to write to the local council by my sister Mary who told me that she had heard that the council were giving grants out to good causes and that maybe we would be eligible.

I wrote to the council and explained who I was and what I did on behalf of St Theresa's Church, that we were looking to upgrade our music equipment, that I had seen some Twin CD Decks in the Argos catalogue costing �149-99p and that if we were lucky enough to get a grant then that is what the money would go towards. Three weeks later I got a letter through the post along with a cheque valued �100 to help pay for the new CD Decks.

These new decks have since being purchased and are in use each Friday night by the kids who attend the Youth Group.

I am very pleased to say that we have been getting a steady number of young people attending on a Friday night. We have had over 20 kids in for the past few weeks. I hope we can keep this attendance record going.

I am a little bit concerned in that we do not have many young girls coming into the Youth Group, why I don't know? If there are any young girls out there aged 11yrs - 15yrs then why not pop along on a Friday night to see what we can offer you, I'm sure you will not be disappointed. You can bring along a friend with you.

We are open from 7-30pm until 9-30pm for the time being. I say that because we (The rest of the adult leaders) are in discussions to try to open a little bit earlier from 7-00pm until 9-00pm. The reason why it's taking some time to sort out is that we need to make sure that we have enough adults available for the earlier start.

We will let you know if and when the change is to come into force. I would like to ask all you young people out there if there is anything that we can do to help make YOUR Youth Group any better then please do tell us. We are trying our best to provide a good night out for you all but if we are lacking in any way then do tell us. We are not mind readers we can only change things if we are told.

You can contact me, my number's in the Parish Directory, or let any other leader know on a Friday night when we are open.

The Youth Group is CLOSED on Friday 24th February 2006 for half term, so please make a note of this in your diaries or on your calendars.

I would just like to say a Big Thank You to all of you who are coming to the Youth Group on a Friday night. Without you it would be a waste of time opening, please keep coming along and enjoying yourselves, and why not bring a friend with you next time you come?

Kevin Gairn

Published Sat 4th Mar 2006 12:53:57
Last Modified on Fri 30th Jun 2017 20:16:47

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