The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


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There is a song that starts 'O it's crying again you're gonna leave me' and that is the only bit that is apt for this occasion. I find leaving very difficult especially when I look back at the last six years and think about the people who trusted me and walked with me while I turned things upside down in the parish and prayed and played on pilgrimages.

There were some who did not understand while others were not prepared for change. I respect all views and say for me the experience of St. Theresa's was well worthwhile. Those of you who came every Wednesday night to the healing services have encouraged me to use this ministry in a way that it will become part of my life wherever I go.

I leave with great affection and respect for two great schools, namely, St. Theresa's and Corpus Christi where I found children of different talents and none treated with respect and love. The involvement of parents at these schools is a sign of the welcome that is to be found among the Head Teachers and staff.

You as parishioners have a great loyalty to St. Theresa's and that is very important. Your attendance at Mass, sacraments and the concern so many of you have for the sick and vulnerable is edifiying. The two communities of St. Theresa's and St. John's are so close they are almost one forming a healthy community.

Priests serving in parishes are always indebted to the generosity and faith of the people and also to those priests who served before. This applies here, your faith and love encouraged me while work done by past priests plays a big part in the 'now' and future of St. Theresa's.

Thank you all for your support and I wish Mgr Philip and Fr. Eric every success and blessing. Please pray for me.


Published Sun 14th Aug 2005 10:44:24
Last Modified on Sat 13th Mar 2021 01:02:01

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