'I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living'
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The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven was a reminder to us 'that where he is gone we too must follow'. Through the teaching of the Church we are given guidance to reach that goal by our listening to the word of God and acting upon it. Throughout the year the scriptures read at Mass each day are the Church's way of bringing to us the message of Christ while the Sacraments are our way of acting in response to that message. The sacraments are our encountering with Christ.
This week and next children from the Parish will receive their First Holy Communion. The Parents are responding to a commitment they made when they had their children baptised. The next step for these children will be to prepare for Confirmation to show their own commitment to what is being nourished by the Parents, School and Parish.
The reception of these Sacraments is not an occasion for show or custom but a development to help these young people to avail themselves of the opportunity to get to know a Christ who loves them so much and to see HIM as their final goal. In a world so full of mixed messages and false values have we not a wonderful message to share? 'Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again'.
We have wonderful young people in this community and that is proven many times over by visitors to our Schools. They need a vision like the rest of us and their parents need our prayers and support. Let us pray that 'we will all see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living'
Fr. Phil
Published Sun 8th May 2005 10:34:56