With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption
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Today we read the story of the raising of Lazarus from the tomb. It is not just something that happened in the life of Jesus on earth but it happens everyday when somebody dies and is raised to life in eternity.
The power of shown by Jesus in raising Lazarus is a reminder to all of us that our God is a ‘god of the living’ bringing us home to eternity. The whole celebration of the passion death and resurrection of Jesus is really making clear to us our own final destiny.
It is good for all of us to think about our own mortality and see in what way we are allowing Christ to help us towards that final end. Lazarus eventually died again as we too will die. This can be a morbid thought but when you think about it in the context of Christ as our Resurrection and our Life it takes on a whole new feeling.
Our Faith is about Life and Resurrection and the Easter celebrations reflect these qualities. This year make a special effort to attend the ceremonies with your families.
Published Sun 13th Mar 2005 11:36:05