The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


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We live in a world of change and not all of it is good. The ability of the advertising industry to make us feel uncomfortable about ourselves and, those with another agenda, trying to get us to go deeper into financial debt can be a bit daunting. You notice the conviction with which they pass on their message giving you the idea if you do not listen then you are going to regret not taking their advice for the rest of your life.

We are a fortunate people who have been given values through our Faith to be able to judge what is being offered and the value it contains for our immortal lives. We are constantly reminded to reach out for the things of God and not the temporary things of this world.

Who would have thought that the world of plastic surgery ,apart from necessary treatment, could become such a popular vehicle for misguided people to combat age. Even the constant flow, across the T.V. ,of products that will enhance us in old age while the whole idea of the spiritual is completely forgotten.

Seek the things that last, seek the Lord and your hearts will revive. Develop your inner self in union with Christ and you will feel young at heart no matter what your age is !


Published Sun 11th Jul 2004 12:45:58

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