The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Read 1759 Times
Today as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity we are reminded of who we are. We were Baptised in the name of the Trinity. Each time we enter a church we bless ourselves in the name of the Trinity to confirm that Baptism and each time we start praying we bless ourselves in the name of the Trinity.

All this is often taken for granted and can be seen as a good luck charm as sometimes used by athletes as they start their challenge in whatever sport they are participating. They make the sign of the cross and like David Beckham uses the Rosary beads as an item of fashion round his neck as Madonna did with the crucifix the place of the Trinity and religious artifices become cheapened.

For the Christian the Trinity is like a surname or family name. We belong to the Trinity through our Baptism and our allegiance to God . The sign of the cross is an important sign declaring our oneness with God and His teachings. It is a declaration of who we are and the crosses we wear are not jewellery or fashion items but a reminder of the price paid by Jesus declaring his love for us and our gratitude to him. By his cross he redeemed the world.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy spirit.


Published Sun 13th Jun 2004 10:34:35

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