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The appearances of Jesus after his resurrection are a reminder not only of his promise to rise from the dead but also, an assurance to you and me of his love that never ends. It is almost as if he is unable to leave us. We are not used to unconditional love. From experience we are aware of love with an end. It is worth our while to think about this because our love is the response he is looking for.
Therein lies the mystery how can a God of infinite power and mercy crave for your and my love? What is it about you and me the He finds so lovable? ‘We are his creatures’ He made us we belong to him. ‘He does not desire the death of a sinner’ .The next time you think you are not good enough or your are unworthy of his love remember his words ’I chose you , you did not choose me’. These are the words of Christ himself
So for a moment allow yourself to relax and enter the presence of God by calling to mind an image you may have in your mind from gospel readings .Invite him into your everyday life knowing that he wants such an invitation. Open to him your life-story. Let him see your good times and bad. Ask for his help and guidance knowing that ’without him you can do nothing’
Published Sun 18th Apr 2004 10:30:21