The Catholic Parish of
Saint John Henry Newman

 Covering most of East Leeds


Read 1633 Times
This is a time for taking stock of our lives and seeing where we can redirect our energies to make changes that will help us to accomplish ideals and give us new focus.

Today in the Gospel we read 'to all who did accept Him he gave power to become the children of God' St.John sees Christ as the Word made flesh. Words are something we listen to. Some words fly over our heads and make no impression. Christ as the word has the ability to change us if we are willing to listen.

In the administration of the Sacraments we see words and actions used together. Today think of the words being said at Mass. Ask yourself who are they being addressed to? What words are making sense to you? Could any of those words in the Mass or the Homily be speaking to you right now? What action are you supposed to take from the words you hear? Remember we are at Mass to get guidance and act upon that guidance.

Through Baptism you and I were made children of God. The words of Baptism were accompanied with the pouring of water. We were being got ready for a mission in life. That mission was to live out our Baptism by our way of life. We were commissioned to be active members of the Body of Christ. This is the time of year to ask yourself how active am I? And how can I improve my lot and that of others.


Published Thu 29th Jan 2004 21:50:17

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